38th parallel : line of latitude marking the border between north Korea and south Korea .
Demilitarized zone ( DMZ) : area on either side of the border between north Korea and south Korea where troops and weapons are not allowed .
Communism : economic system that favors public or government ownership of business . A person who supports communism is a communist .
Containment: U. S. Policy after world war II that focused on stopping the spread of communism around the world. Counterattack : fighting begun to move forward against an enemy that had been advancing.
the korean war history
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
.:The Impact Of The Korean War On The United States:.
DURING THE LATE 1800”s and early 1900s, U.S. president worried about NORTH KOREAS PROGRAM TO DEVELOP NUCLEAR WEAPONS. By 1994, the situation had reached a crisis. Some U.S. scholars and government official feared another war might start on the peninsula. Talks on both sides helped end the crisis and improve relations between the two countries for a time. Still, the U.S. military experts predicted the North Koreans would eventually build nuclear weapons that would reach the United States.
George W. bush became president in 2001, he considered that North Korea is a threat to the U.S. security. Bush’s suspicions increased on North Korea after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York and in Washington D.C.
Bush was convinced that North Korea was one of three nations that sponsored terrorist acts around the world. North Korea was also considered a threat because of its effort to build weapons of mass destruction. In 2002 North Korea announced it had broken an agreement stop its development of nuclear weapons.
It made it in to the war-addicted country it is today. During the cold war a large proportion if the budget went towards the military and technological research, forging the US armed forces into one of the most technologically advanced militaries in the world. During this time the US made DEW, NORAD & NATO.
Politically: Perhaps most famously, Americans strongly connected with the idea of a distant and ideologically foreign enemy. The "Red Scare" refers to a period of intense paranoia in the United States when even the accusation of communist ties could bring a person's career to and end and destroy a reputation. Joseph McCarthy held a series of hearings before the House Committee On Un-American Activities which served almost as show-trials, fueling the atmosphere of fear and anxiety.
Economically: The Cold War created an impetus for the continued upkeep and expansion of US military capability after the end of WWII. This diverted billions from social programs and to a great extent undid many of the formative political changes brought about by the great depression. While Johnson's "Great Society" programs addressed some of this shortfall, the financial constraints imposed by the ballooning budgets of the military contributed to the prevention of the development of a welfare state as we see in modern day Europe.
Ideologically: In identifying the USSR as "enemy" the United States sought to reject the ideals most commonly attributed to Soviet Communism. The hammer and sickle, long images of the power of the working class, vanished from American art (1930s vintage buildings in New York still have some embellishment that pre-dates the Cold War and such symbolism is present there). Moreover, the United States strongly rejected socialism and socialist political initiatives, further compounding the budgetary issues created by increased military spending.
Physically: The Cold War was not always cold. Thousands of Americans died in Korea and Vietnam. The United States has maintained bases around the world to better project American power into the USSR. The losses these conflicts produced can not be over-stated and the establishment of permanent overseas bases created the notion of the "military brat" an entirely Post-WWII phenomena.
DURING THE LATE 1800”s and early 1900s, U.S. president worried about NORTH KOREAS PROGRAM TO DEVELOP NUCLEAR WEAPONS. By 1994, the situation had reached a crisis. Some U.S. scholars and government official feared another war might start on the peninsula. Talks on both sides helped end the crisis and improve relations between the two countries for a time. Still, the U.S. military experts predicted the North Koreans would eventually build nuclear weapons that would reach the United States.
George W. bush became president in 2001, he considered that North Korea is a threat to the U.S. security. Bush’s suspicions increased on North Korea after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York and in Washington D.C.
Bush was convinced that North Korea was one of three nations that sponsored terrorist acts around the world. North Korea was also considered a threat because of its effort to build weapons of mass destruction. In 2002 North Korea announced it had broken an agreement stop its development of nuclear weapons.
It made it in to the war-addicted country it is today. During the cold war a large proportion if the budget went towards the military and technological research, forging the US armed forces into one of the most technologically advanced militaries in the world. During this time the US made DEW, NORAD & NATO.
Politically: Perhaps most famously, Americans strongly connected with the idea of a distant and ideologically foreign enemy. The "Red Scare" refers to a period of intense paranoia in the United States when even the accusation of communist ties could bring a person's career to and end and destroy a reputation. Joseph McCarthy held a series of hearings before the House Committee On Un-American Activities which served almost as show-trials, fueling the atmosphere of fear and anxiety.
Economically: The Cold War created an impetus for the continued upkeep and expansion of US military capability after the end of WWII. This diverted billions from social programs and to a great extent undid many of the formative political changes brought about by the great depression. While Johnson's "Great Society" programs addressed some of this shortfall, the financial constraints imposed by the ballooning budgets of the military contributed to the prevention of the development of a welfare state as we see in modern day Europe.
Ideologically: In identifying the USSR as "enemy" the United States sought to reject the ideals most commonly attributed to Soviet Communism. The hammer and sickle, long images of the power of the working class, vanished from American art (1930s vintage buildings in New York still have some embellishment that pre-dates the Cold War and such symbolism is present there). Moreover, the United States strongly rejected socialism and socialist political initiatives, further compounding the budgetary issues created by increased military spending.
Physically: The Cold War was not always cold. Thousands of Americans died in Korea and Vietnam. The United States has maintained bases around the world to better project American power into the USSR. The losses these conflicts produced can not be over-stated and the establishment of permanent overseas bases created the notion of the "military brat" an entirely Post-WWII phenomena.
Monday, May 9, 2011
1945: Soviet troops drive the Japanese leave out Korea, Syngman Rhee returns to Korea from to Korea from the United States. Kim II sung also returns to Soviet Union.
August 26 1945: Syngman Rhee and Kim II sung, the two different party leader in the Korean sight out 38th parallel, this line of latitude that making Korea border become two.
1947: Truman doctrine, the united states President Truman's National Security Act creates US Department of Defense
1948: the republic of Korea forms in the south, Kim II sung leads the new democratic people's republic of Korean in e north.
1949: The soviet union cratered their first nuclear weapon.
Jun 1950:North Korean People's Army invades South Korea.
Aug 1950:The UN send troops to help south Korea.
Oct 1950 :Chinese Communist send troops to help north Korean
1951:US troops stop the Chinese counterattack.
1952:North Korea accuses us troops of using germ warfare.1953 : The two sides sign an armistice and create the demilitarized zone.1960: South Korean forcing Syngman Rhee's rule from the office.1991: North Korea and south Korea pledge to work together on certain issues.
The korean war history
Historical Overview
After the WWII as all know the Soviet and US forces entered Korea and fought the Japanese and that’s how they decided to divide Korea into two halves which were North Korea and South Korea, after this in June 25, 1950 the North Korea decide to make use of the Soviet Union weapons to attack the South Korea because they knew that they didn’t have enough weapons to defend themselves. However some important facts that have a lot to do with the Korean war are that The economies of both North and South Korea took a major hit during and after the war it really affect them also because during the war a lot of civilians got killed from each side, another important fact is how the Soviet Union set up a communist government in North Korea by Kim sung II and the South Korea was established as an anti-communist by Dr Syngman Rhee, this country was divided by the alliance between the Soviet Union and the United States when it took responsibilities of Korea after the WWII, so for this reason those both countries took half and half of Korea. That’s how the Soviet Union as the leader of North Korea decided to change the government into a communism government which basically means that is a country which all the economic and social activities are controlled by a single person in the government that rule the country. So that’s how to be an anti-communism country as United States and South Korea have a different perspective about their rules, they were very strict, for this reason South Korea and US didn’t want to become a communism country, so then they could be a free country. Later on the Soviet Union decided to support North Korea to attack South Korea by providing them weapons and army forces. It has a great impact in United States when they noticed that it was happening because during this war they loose a lot of civilian lives and millions of money, and it was caused only because the Soviet Union (North Korea) wanted the United States and South Korea to reject the Democratic Party and become communism nation such as they do. Also the Korean War was the first real confrontation of the Cold War and it is how they set many of the standards for later conflicts in the Cold War.
Truman as a president of the United States wanted to end this war because besides it was causing a lot of dead and the military force leader of WWII “MacArthur he did not want to stop this war and go on because his propose was to strikes against targets china and said he would consider using the nuclear bomb”. It wasn’t fair because the only thing that MacArthur wanted is to get more power and get over other countries. He basically makes a lot of disagreements with Truman saying, “A war should be prosecuted to the greatest extent militarily possible without regard to diplomatic risks”. By a negotiation cease-fire between North and South Korea The Korean War ends on July 1953.
- http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1629.html
- http://www.historycentral.com/postwar/Korea.html
- http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/events/kowar/kowar.html
- http://history-world.org/korean_war.html
- Book The Cold War by David Tailor (Korean War).
After the WWII as all know the Soviet and US forces entered Korea and fought the Japanese and that’s how they decided to divide Korea into two halves which were North Korea and South Korea, after this in June 25, 1950 the North Korea decide to make use of the Soviet Union weapons to attack the South Korea because they knew that they didn’t have enough weapons to defend themselves. However some important facts that have a lot to do with the Korean war are that The economies of both North and South Korea took a major hit during and after the war it really affect them also because during the war a lot of civilians got killed from each side, another important fact is how the Soviet Union set up a communist government in North Korea by Kim sung II and the South Korea was established as an anti-communist by Dr Syngman Rhee, this country was divided by the alliance between the Soviet Union and the United States when it took responsibilities of Korea after the WWII, so for this reason those both countries took half and half of Korea. That’s how the Soviet Union as the leader of North Korea decided to change the government into a communism government which basically means that is a country which all the economic and social activities are controlled by a single person in the government that rule the country. So that’s how to be an anti-communism country as United States and South Korea have a different perspective about their rules, they were very strict, for this reason South Korea and US didn’t want to become a communism country, so then they could be a free country. Later on the Soviet Union decided to support North Korea to attack South Korea by providing them weapons and army forces. It has a great impact in United States when they noticed that it was happening because during this war they loose a lot of civilian lives and millions of money, and it was caused only because the Soviet Union (North Korea) wanted the United States and South Korea to reject the Democratic Party and become communism nation such as they do. Also the Korean War was the first real confrontation of the Cold War and it is how they set many of the standards for later conflicts in the Cold War.
Truman as a president of the United States wanted to end this war because besides it was causing a lot of dead and the military force leader of WWII “MacArthur he did not want to stop this war and go on because his propose was to strikes against targets china and said he would consider using the nuclear bomb”. It wasn’t fair because the only thing that MacArthur wanted is to get more power and get over other countries. He basically makes a lot of disagreements with Truman saying, “A war should be prosecuted to the greatest extent militarily possible without regard to diplomatic risks”. By a negotiation cease-fire between North and South Korea The Korean War ends on July 1953.
- http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1629.html
- http://www.historycentral.com/postwar/Korea.html
- http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/events/kowar/kowar.html
- http://history-world.org/korean_war.html
- Book The Cold War by David Tailor (Korean War).
Imporant people during the war

Born in 1879(Some source say is 1878), first leader of Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, and the leader of Communism camp. Join Russian Revolution, and become most powerful one in communist party. Favor on Marxism; lead Russian people fight with Axis Powers during WWII in East-front. After WWII, lead U.S.S.R. becomes one of superpower in the world. Control & support North Korea, give them weapons to fight in the war. Also give support to China, help China join the Korea War.

Born in 1893, was the first chairman of People’s Republic of China (In China, people call the president as “Chairman”). He also is the leader of Chinese communism party. During WWII, he led people fight with Japan army in China. Decide to help North Korea during the Korean War for help “friend country” as a member of communism camp, protect China’s safety. And he’s become world famous after this war.

Born in 1884, President of U.S.A. during the end of WWII to Cold War, the one who decide to throw atomic bomb to Japan. Leader of anti-communism camp, start the Cold War with U.S.S.R. He decides to send United Nations army to help South Korea to against U.S.S.R. For "avoid the Europe fall into communism's hands".

Chinese famous commander&general, one’s experiences WWII fight with Japan, and Chinese civil war. During Korean War, he’s the commander-in-chief of Chinese people’s volunteer army, send to help North Korean. Under his lead, Chinese People’s Volunteer Army push United Nations back to 38th parallel north, changed the situation of the battle.

Five-Star General, get the U.S. highest military decoration- Medal of Honor. He's the commander during U.S. island hoping and Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in the Pacific Ocean during WWII. He’s been send as commander of United Nations Command in Korean peninsula to help South Korea. Start Operation Chromite at Inchon, complete change the situation of the battle, push the Korean People's Army back, and push forward close to Yalu River, make China decide to join the war. Later he was dismiss for lost the wars and "Failed to fully support the policy of the United States and the United Nations", and Matthew Bunker Ridgway replace his position.

Born in 1912, leader of North Korea, rise by U.S.S.R. He join the communism party in China during WWII fight with Japanese army and become famous in North Korea. After the war, he get support from U.S.S.R. establish the Korean Worker's Party, and Democratic People's Republic of Korea; and become the president of North Korea. He think the only way to unify south and north Korea is using the military force. After get the acquiesce from Stalin, in June 25, 1950; Kim Il-sung order Korean People's Army crossing the 38th parallel north, attacks South Korea, the Korean War start.

Born in 1875, leader of South Korea, rise by U.S. Syngman Rhee get educate from a American school in South Korea, learned English; been arrest by government for "try to overthrow the government". By a chance, when the Japanese invade Korea, he send by government went to U.S.A. to ask for help but no result, and stay in U.S.A. get more educate from many colleges. After WWII, he went back to South Korea, form a group that support U.S. take control of South Korea; and he has been rise by U.S. become president of Republic of Korea, formed the new government. Following U.S. policy against communism, and try to take down North Korea by military force.
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